Marketing Challenge#5 Producing and Delivering Content ✍🏻


Marketing Challenge#5 Producing and Delivering Content ✍🏻 

Create an editorial calendar 📅 that will set the schedule for what content needs to be produced by whom and by when.  

This helps you achieve consistency in your content marketing efforts. 

Setting schedules for tactical execution and content creation points out whether you may be trying to do too much at once.  

Deadlines help keep you on track as to what you can get done on your own. 

Start preparing the editorial calendar 📅 simple with the number of posts as required by your industry and your time. 

Start slow with the following 

  • All Social Media – 2 posts per week
  • Emails – 2 emails per month
  • Blogs – 4 blogs per month

 You can increase the frequency later once you are in rhythm.

 Now you need contents… 

You can consider writing Ideas or Tips which come to your mind naturally and write in email or blog form. Make sure it is related to your industry. You can also search google for many resources related to your industry.

 Get your content lined up for a month minimum so that you post consistently.

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