Marketing Challenge#3 Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms 🤷♂️

With So many Social media Platforms available today, it is overwhelming 😕 to choose the right once.

Social media is a powerful networking tool 👌 that more people should take advantage of when it comes to seeking out new leads and increasing overall visibility. 

Honestly, 5 basic platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube is more than enough to start with and you add more on your way️. Get your hands dirty or ask your team to create all these accounts and ensure that it is business accounts on your company name in all of these platforms not your personal name. 

After connecting via social media, a relationship can begin to form and hopefully, one that will be mutually beneficial—which brings us to our next point…

Small business to focus on using strategic paid advertisements such as Facebook Ads to increase their Email list of potential customers

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                                                               Live Chat | Messenger BOT | Pop up Forms

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Task Management | Customer relationship management (CRM)


Employee Scorecards | Risk Bots | Dashboards


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