Find out what uncertainty you are facing now in your Business?

Uncertainty will always hit in any body’s life, it is of utmost importance to know how to deal with it when it hits you.

There are a few things we do when uncertainty hits.

  • We are confused and don’t take any action
  • We try to run away from the situation
  • We face the situation & take proper action
  • We take help from others to solve the issues
  • Seek help from people who have handled similar situations

Uncertainty will come in the following different ways!

  • External Factors – Outside the business
  • Internal Factors – Inside the business
  • Relationships – Family, Friends, etc.
  • Health Factors – Self/Family
  • Financial Turmoil (Economy)
  • War etc.
  • Recession in the country
  • Pandemic/Epidemic diseases
  • Employee issues-protest etc.
  • Customer issues
  • Supplier issues
  • Partnership issues
  • Bank non-cooperation
  • Government Policies
  • Scam by individual person or company
  • Demonetization
  • Natural disasters-Tsunami, Storm, Water clogging, Rain, etc.
  • Earth Quakes
  • Volcano Erupts

Uncertainty is an issue that comes to you and puts you down emotionally and challenges you.

Does the success lie in how many uncertainties you can handle at any point in time?
Whenever you have a project, please do a SWOT analysis and to understand the threats that can derail you. And find solutions to handle those threats in advance. This way we can be sure of 90% of threats and thought of probable solutions before the uncertainty starts surfacing.

There are only 3 things you can do

  • Take Action – You solve it
  • Take help – Seek help from people to solve it
  • Stay calm – Hold down till it will heal itself. This too will pass.
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